iPhone 16 Pro Max
Modeli më i ri nga Apple mund ta beni tuajin dhe me këste
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Aksesorë të ndryshëm
E SHKËLQYESHME Bazuar në 42 komente xhoana bogdani2023-11-26Trustindex verifikon që burimi origjinal i rishikimit është Google. Best service ⭐ Thein Htaike Soe2023-11-18Trustindex verifikon që burimi origjinal i rishikimit është Google. I bought iphone 15 pro from here.The quality is remarkable.Wonderful owner,he is very friendly and kind.Most importantly he is knowledgeable and go above and beyond to welcome you and make you feel comfortable. Hnin Aye Wai2023-11-08Trustindex verifikon që burimi origjinal i rishikimit është Google. As I’m the foreigner in Albania,🇦🇱 i would like to say tho this ismart shop and want to recommend all of the next customers because that shop is not only convenient to buy such as iPhone ,iPads but also sometimes they give us promotions . They all treat us very kindly and explained everything details .So , I would like to give 5 out of 5 to Ismart and I hope this shop can be opened in everywhere of in Albania coming future . ledi nelaj2023-09-23Trustindex verifikon që burimi origjinal i rishikimit është Google. Kliente prej vitesh... E kenaqur jo vetem me cilesine e telefonave te blere por edhe me sherbimin. E rekomandoj si nje nder opsionet me te mira ne qytet per cilesine dhe cmimin. PS. Me blerjen e nje telefoni do te perfitoni gjithashtu nje 🎁🥰🔝
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